An Agents Insurance Education will Make a Difference

Insurance Education! Why does it matter when you’re considering an insurance broker, an insurance agency, and an insurance advisor, to work with?

Let me start with myself…

I graduated from college in 2007 with honors from the University of Georgia and the Terry College of Business Specifically, from the Risk Management and Insurance school. If you don’t know this, the University of Georgia and the risk management school is ranked every single year by US News and World Report in the top two or three insurance programs across the entire country. I’m a certified insurance counselor, which means I completed a five-part series of tests, each part is 20 hours of study and coursework and then there’s a test at the end of each one. I’m also a master workers’ comp advisor.

Our agency is certified, which means that we can help calculate things like the experience modifier and help you understand why your experience mod is a higher than you want it to be. We can talk to you about how to control different costs within your workers’ compensation program and how we can take that very important experience modifier and get the number as low as possible to lower your workers comp insurance premiums.

Have question? Click here to schedule a meeting with Josh!


Why am I writing this?

Because our industry has a very low barrier to entry. In fact, getting an insurance license is easy to do. You have to go to a class, take a little test, and boom, you’re done, you’re an insurance agent. You can legally do everything on day one of having an insurance license that I can do. However, I’ve been doing this for 10 years and even with all of my education and experience, I learn more every single day.

You may own a building that’s $1 million, or maybe you want a building that’s $10 million. Who you’re going to trust to advise you on that building? Are you going to trust somebody that has no formal education in insurance, that has no training, that has nothing in their background? Or are you going to trust somebody that has put in the years, the education and understands how to create an insurance program that’s built exactly for your business?

Education matters.

We believe our process works. We Believe it works better because it’s formally created, formally trained into us, through education. So I would love to talk with you. In fact, I’m going to allow you to download my resume and check me out! I hope you schedule some time to talk with me as well, let’s talk soon.

If you are dealing with a newbie instead of a trained, educated, professional insurance advisor and would like to discuss your situation, you can click here to schedule a call with Josh or call us at (478) 449-5928.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at HM Advisors is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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